HO Insurance.com Represents Florida's Major Insurance Companies. We Shop for the BEST Rates and Coverage.
Florida Homeowners Insurance
We Shop Florida's HO Carriers to get the BEST Rate.
Look at our program highlights and CALL Today:
Policies issued the same day quoted for your home closing.
Broad hurricane and waterfront coverages available.
Easy Online Application, Only Takes TWO MINUTES!

Our Condominium Insurance Program
The number of condominium owners in Florida is constantly
growing. That means you need to shop your Condo Insurance
to make sure you are getting the most for your money!
Packages starting at under $200 Per year!
LOW Rates for all Florida Condos, in all areas.
Call us for a FAST phone quote & SAME DAY Coverage!

Florida Flood Insurance
Did you know that FLOOD is NOT covered by
your homeowners insurance? Flood coverage is very
inexpensive, and we can help you protect your home!
We can place coverage SAME DAY on loan closings.
We make buying flood insurance fast and easy.
We can offer phone and online quotes.

Look at These Rates.... Then CALL FOR A QUOTE!
Fast Phone Quotes: 407-478-2142
We can give you a phone quote INSTANTLY.
Every Policy We Sell Comes With A Satisfied Policyholder!